Pleased to Meet You


Two things I truly love: Connecting with people. Building & being part of a community.


Grand Rapids is what feels like a tight knit community of creatives, bloggers & all around awesome people.


It’s comical to me because every week, I’ll meet new people and somehow they know someone else I know. The degrees of separation are uber small, especially with social media in play. This is a sign that the city is pretty small or tight knit - likely a combination of the two.


It’s honestly one of the things I find most charming about this city.


Strengthening that bond of a small community is GOLD when it comes to instilling a culture of #communityovercompetition. To bring this to life, an awesome group of gals come together to create “intentional connection” like you’d see in a movie and called it Meet Cute. A Meet Cute in film terms is when two characters meet for the first time.


Enter: The Meet Cute Community.

Goal: Connecting local bloggers & creatives while partnering with local partners & shops to create a “spirit of locality.”


It was a privilege and wonderfully charming to be a part of their first event!  


We did photoshoots in a swanky warehouse space, GR Studio Space. Local boutiques provided clothing & accessories for all of the ladies. Olivia & Kelsey styled the looks while Ashley & Kristin took the photos. We ended the evening at a new sandwich shop for their soft opening, Grain Sandwich Shop. Where funnily enough, I know the owners of that building. I told you, small world.


It was so much fun making new friends and deepening my connection with the ladies I already knew.


I relate it to playing adult dress-up made even more fun because mimosas were involved. AKA a blast!



TBH, this may or may not be the first “cold shoulder” top I’ve ever put on my body. Seriously. I have this weird thing about sleeves, don’t ask me why. So I’ve never tried the trend. This one, I was totally about. Not the mention, that skirt. Cute and comfy!


Clothes: Adored Boutique

Jewelry: Black Lamb

Shoes: Iris Boutique


YALL, THIS dress. I was (am) obsessed with this dress. The ruffle layer makes me feel flauncy like the dancing girl emoji (aka my favorite). And the bright orange is far too fitting for my personality, hah! I was obsessed enough to go buy it the week after ... This won’t be the last you see of this beautiful piece!


Dress: Denym

Jewelry: Denym

Shoes: Iris Boutique


Also, shout out to Launch Salon for styling my hair in a way that I never would've thought about. And totally doing again!


Mad thanks & props to these ladies for putting on such a great event - especially one encouraging connection in the community! I saw some of the work Ashley & Kristin put in to have this event first hand - Rome was not built in a day, y'all. Lemme say that.

From my perspective, WELL worth it.

If you’re in the GR/West Michigan area, keep an eye out for their next event! Also, follow them on the gram - @meetcutecommunity!


Carpe Diem & Lots of Love!

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