Living Your Values

We all have values, whether or not we are conscious of them. They are our principles and core beliefs. The concepts that make us tick. Ideals that we want to move towards.

I have a steadfast belief in the power of knowing your values and being conscious and aware of the beliefs you have. Technically, we all are belief based people, whether we realize it or not. 

The funny thing about life is if you’re doing something against your values, you won’t enjoy it. Something that you TRULY enjoy is probably something that is aligned with your values.


If you don't know what your values are, how could you be living true to them?


Opening up about my values - what they mean by definition and what they mean to me - is something that my intuition has been nudging me to do for awhile. I feel called to do this ... 

If you want to learn more about the power of knowing your values, I am doing a LIVE in my Facebook community tomorrow. 


Each day next week, I'm adding to the list below & sharing my heart about why these are my top 5 values. 


My challenge for you:

Join me!

If you want to discover your values or explore them more, I am challenging you to come along with me on the journey.

Share through whatever outlet you're comfortable with, Facebook or Instagram, or even within my Facebook community. Share your values and add #valueschallenge so we can follow along!


I made a guide to help you discover and explore your values. You can grab it below!


My values


Love | n | an intense feeling of deep affection. 

To me: Love is such a DEEP word. It includes compassion, admiration, & appreciation. essentially all the positive emotions in one way or another connect to love 💕 

It’s the KEY to so much in life because what would your life mean without the presence of love? whether for others, your life & especially, yourself. BE LOVE to yourself & others because that’s how you learn what is love TRULY is.



Exploration | n | the action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it.

To me: Life is meant for exploring the deepest and fullest life possible, living your biggest adventure as deeply as you can. GROWING & learning are such a beautiful part of that.

I don’t know about you but I LOVE exploring. I mean, I love exploring a new place. it’s more than that to me. exploring myself more spiritually or exploring my life’s work in new ways, getting to know myself deeper in the process. whatever the case, there’s a hunger for exploring.



Integrity | n | the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness | the state of being whole and undivided.

To me: Be true to who you are & steadfast in your beliefs. Be honest with others & hold yourself to a level of excellence 💯 TBH, this is the one value of mine that I struggle to live in line with most. I have deep seeded beliefs & speak honestly, don’t get me wrong.

Sometimes, when something is compromising my integrity or beliefs, it feels wrong but I don’t necessarily don’t speak up. mostly in fear of making trouble - that’s just the recovering people pleaser in me talking 😜


Freedom | n | the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

To me: I would love a world where people are FREE to be their TRUE selves, FREE from judgment. we’re meant to frolic 💃🏻 as humans, we have choice. at ANY moment, there is always more than one option - THAT is our greatest freedom.

Maybe my value of freedom comes from sticking it to the man or from never listening to anyone as a child (or an adult). I like doing what I want, when I want, & how I want. not so sorry about it 💁🏻‍♀️ which is also why I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur!



Enjoyment | n | the state or process of taking pleasure in something.
To me: Why would you not want to take pleasure in your life? life is MEANT to be enjoyed. people think you’ve gotta take extravagant trips, drink and eat lavishly, or have heaps of money to enjoy life. NAH! it’s simply in how you look & do everyday things. we all have our childhood nature inside of us. getting older just covers up that curiosity & zest for life.

Remember what it was like to be a child. laugh at yourself, smile at a stranger, climb a tree, EXPLORE the wonder of life ✨ I do at least one thing a day that’s purely enjoyable & fun. not to mention that one of lenses of how I view the world is through enjoyment, which developed from my positivity & optimism. I believe there’s absolutely no reason not to enjoy life for ALL it is, ups & downs. it is, after all, one of the pillars of being a #soulreveler!



Lots of love,

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